As quoted in wikipedia on the Koenigsegg CCR
"During its review of the CCX, BBC television program Top Gear reported that the Koenigsegg CCR holds the fastest speeding ticket in the United States, which was supposedly for 242 mph (389 km/h) in a 75 mph (121 km/h) zone. This allegedly occurred in May 2003 in Texas on the San Francisco to Miami Gumball 3000 Rally"
9:41 PM♥LALALALLA. I'm jus bored. Video video video. Got soo many videos to watch. Common tests are coming but i have no common tests break, cos i still have training. WTF sia. Fail already la. SOO fcuking many core modules. Well wad to do, we are just COMMONERS, who can't decide for ourselves . i seriously think it is all not worth it
Anyway, Cheryl Phua wants me to post another screenshot showing how generous she is. So here it is.
but i'm sorry Cheryl Phua, Mr Chew kinda sent me like 30 over items along with his facebook password as well. Muahahha! Free table n chairs. LOL
Todays training was _____. And after training went to play lan with Jun Han, Alvin, Kevin and Alph. Cools mans. Damn fun. Had a LITTLE surprise before leaving plaza sing which we went for dinner and then headed home!!!
ANDDDD.i want this ---> , maybe my mummy will buy for me!!!! -cross fingers! (: BYE YA'LL
Ok just some random pictures. Was looking at some photo's in my com and i totally saw this photo. Yue Hao smoking. TSK TSK TSK. Wait i call your mother and tell her then you know ah!!!! MUAHAHA
On another note. The next picture is posted cause Cheryl wants me to show how generous she is when in fact, is i own self go to her com n send myself the items. MUAHAHA.
And lastly, this is a picture of me in the facebook game which totally sucks like hell. Damn dumb. LOLS
OKay bored of blogging here already. See you when i see you! BUAIXS!!!! (:
4:50 PM♥Hmms L4D. Great. Tuan Jiaw, Cheryl, Eugene, Yue Hao, Ephraim, Ze An. Homed. screwed.
12:48 AM♥you are just a fat ass
10:54 PM♥Alights, after my long absence from blogspot, i have decided to blog about something cool. Apparently i had nearly the most awesome day ever!
No. 1 - Shunli FINALLY came over to my house to bake.
No. 2 - Our cookies and cupcakes turned out marvellously!!!
No. 3 - She finally got to try the impact of my aircon on a hot day!
No. 4 - I had dinner with her and her family and Gary, her er jie boyfriend.
No. 5 - I played mahjong with her sisters and gary at their house.
No. 6 - I was the ultimate winner earning 1 buck from her da jie. LOL
No. 7 - I saw the launching of a drilling ship at west coast. (Imagine a ship the size of JE library being pushed into the sea! Super cools can)
No. 8 - It is the first time Shunli('s dad) sent me home and i reached home earlier than her.
Okays basically thats the end of my story!!! AHAHHA
Training tml.kinda dreading but oh well. (=
11:58 PM♥