Ok...i have jus reached episode 47 of Bleach n have decided to sleep! However seeing that it is still quite early decided to blog abit first! Ok...i am seriously feeling super hungry right now mans! Maybe i will go dig out some food to eat before i sleep in awhile! Anyway Bleach is super nice! I am seriously getting addicted to it! Of all things, y on earth do i have to get addicted to some show dat has hundreds of episodes! Yea i wanted to pass my spare time....but it has turned from killing time to taking up my time! I now can't be bothered to listen to class or do my homework! Seriously jac tis is all ur fault! Ok i am gonna sleep oredi! Good nights everyones...have a great sleep!
1:38 AM♥
Monday, October 29, 2007
Dun gek ur muscle
Went for CAEM class tis morning! Apparently our class numbers have dropped drastically! I am starting to find some of the stuff we learn interesting to do already! Hopefully i can feel the same for another 3 more semesters! After class sent jac off to the bus stop as she was going to meet Cheryl for prata since she has 3 hr break! Jus by sending Jac off, i met Terence, Simi, Jason, Melvin Wong, n Tuan Jiaw...i am jus so famous man...After Jac left, i went to can 1 to look for Kai Yi, Yue Hao n Glen n had lunch with them.
Kai Yi's brand new bunnies!
My little sister CKY
After lunch i went for COMT class! The stupid lecturer very irritating! Whole day keep shooting me, Trey n Markus! He shoot us at first cos he say we keep using laptop! Den later he say we not showing a good image of ourselves cos my lappie got FUCK written on it while Trey's shirt says MR PIMP! OK i understand that my lappie got vulgarities on it so not very pleasant looking! But wad the hell is he keep saying abt Trey n his Mr Pimp shirt! That bloody botak bugger! If can i wan day gonna shave of the few remaining strands of hair he has!
After class hung out abit with Trey n Markus before going to underpass there to find Tuan Jiaw n my cousin! watched Bleach the whole time before going to find Chin Koon, Sheena n Corrine at library! I actually went to find them as i tot Chin Koon was going for training so could go with him! But hu knows he not going training so i actually wasted my time climbing up the stairs to lvl 4 sia! Went for traing n tot i was late! When i went to grandstand i only saw the polo guys n no sprinters! At first tot they went to run oredi but could not be as i was only 5 mins late!
Thank God brian suddenly appeared! It seems that only we two were there for training! Soon after Alvin came! Since no one else came we jus did our warm up! I actually tot it was cool sia! 1 year 3 captain, 1 year 2 vice captain, and 1 year 1 future captain (me) were the only ones hu turned up for training! Lols. After we did our warm up n got ready to run, Ethan came as well! In total for today, the attendance for sprinters was only 4! So we joined the polo guys for a run n then we went off to do our own pull ups n gym! After gym we went to play soccer n basketball with the polo guys before gong to BTM to eat! I have a feeling that we are all gonna recieve a bad scolding from brian this wed during training! If there is punishment confirm sian ji pua...
Oh yea...as the team manager for the river regatta, i posted some encouraging words for the sprinters on the gmail account: "It's not how good you can play when you play good. It's how good you play when you play bad and that truely determines how skillful is a person in wad they do! "Den my vice captain gave this reply:lol, it another words, he means,if u gek den ur muscle big, means actually nt very big, but if u never gek also big, den means really big =)"
11:28 PM♥
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Yesterday went for training although raining...however the rain stopped soon! Didn't run so immediately went down to row. For that day, we did 2 triangles n sprints! After finishing, we beached up to practise on K1! While waiting for my chance on the K, i tried rolling n i managed to do it! Super cool to be able to roll on the T1, although the boat will be half filled with water! After training went to eat lunch at KFC with Colin n Brandon before going to Donut Factory to have donuts! Simply godlike i must say! After that we all headed home! Since i had nothing to do, i asked jac for advice on shows to watch n she reminded me of bleach! Told myself i wanted to watch it last time but forgot all abt it! Now i am totally addicted!
Today met up with Chin Koon, Corrine, Bel, Darren n Eric at Clementi n we trained to Kallang! There were many confusion as to whether we were going to canoe or go dragonboating! In the end we did DRAGONOEING!!! In other words, we rowed double kayaks but using dragonboat paddles dragonboat style! It was super cool although frustrating as it is super difficult to go straight! However me n my partner, Alvin, were a formidable pair n it was simply no kick!!! Lols! After training we went for lunch before going for dragonboat!
Initially i was supposed to substitute Ethan hu didn't come but in the end, one of our alumni came down so he took ethan's place instead! Therefore, our coach told me to be the drummer instead! So for 2 hours, i was sitting at the head of the boat, with 21 men ferrying me around kallang! I did do some shouting when i helped them count out the timing but other then that, i was mostly jus sun tanning! :) It is seriously damn cool to be the drummer of a dragonboat!!!
After training it rained very heavily so in the end some of the ppl cabbed home straight from kallang! The rest of us waited for awhile very soon the rain stopped so we went to bathe before going to suntec! Had our lunch n ate donuts again before we went to Ben n Jerry's to celebrate Jun Han's bdae! The cake was damn nice n we all had a great time together! Below are some pics...
The bdae boy making his wish!
The sprint guys (obviously i am not in the pic since i was so nice as too help take the pic)
The sprint gals
Eating the ever so delicious cake from Ben n Jerry's
we shall not shed tears...for that is the defeat of one's body to one's heart.It simply proves that the existence of our heart is an existence that is beyond our control.
11:01 PM♥
Friday, October 26, 2007
Below are some pics taken yesterday! I know that as soon as u all see the first picture, ur minds will start to run wild n think that TJ is peeing damn close to the urinal...but in actual fact he was trying to fish out his chewing gum that fell in n pick it out so dat he can continus chewing on it!!! Second pic is us AEJ1 students in EEPS lab doing drilling of our PCB (Puah Chee Bye / Practical circuit Board)! Last pic is AEL lecturer hu for some reason kept harrasing me with qns! Irritating sia!
Today wanted to go school early but when i got out from the lift...i saw a 99 drive past! Den after abt 15 mins another 99 came and i managed to squeeze on board! At clementi, 2 154 passed by cos too crowded n impossible to get on! After waiting damn long den managed to get on! So in the end i reached class like on time! Went to Cheers with the girls for lunch! Den while waiting for the other hour of lunch break to go by, me, jac, trey, glenn, jason, mervyn, marcus, joel and ephraim squeezed into one of the small project rooms in library! Damn cool lah all squeexe until like siao liddat! Haha! Compro getting interesting sia...now i think i can form some computer programs on my own oredi! After class have to wait 3 1/2 hrs before going to kallang! So i decided to go to town with Glen, accompany him to work while i jus slack arnd with him since nuthin to do! But in the end i decided to go Geylang! So went back to the bus stop n met up with some of the guys! In the end i waited with Guan Yu for his double decker air con 154 until all the other guys n the girls left. Took down to Bukit Timah Road n changed to 961! Now i know how to take bus from suntec to Clark Quay oredi :) Reached Kallang n slowly walked from lor 1 to lor 21! In the end only take 15 mins...ate my fav tau huey (not Tor Huey hor) as depicted in the pic below...
Since i had abt 1/2 hr to kill, i stayed at the super hot shop n play my com...after 1/2 hr, i bought back some tau huey for my mum n 2 sis n slowly walk back to kallang and went for the team manger meeting! At the end of it saw met trey! Brian told me to tell Mr Lim that we changed our name to Ngee Ann Polytechnic "E" but Mr Lim keep on tell me to wait for him settle his stuff! In the end i waited like 15 to 20 mins for him after the meeting ended! Luckily later jia ying asked me wad i want tell him n she say that she told him oredi! That bloody bugger! He know oredi yet still make me wait for him sia... Left the place n went out to take 197...waited like 20-25 mins for the stupid bus to come sia...Haiz dunno why nowadays keep on wait damn long for bus sia...so sianzzzz!!!!
10:53 PM♥
The following video was taken by Tuan Jiaw while i was changing...apparently he claimed that this is the ordeal that i underwent before commiting suicide :) enjoy...
overdue photos from NP Regatta 07 below
Classes as per normal today...EG2 teacher face like permernantly damaged...always angry one sia! Went to a super empty canteen 3 today...since no queue went straight for Vegetarian food :) while eating i was watching Taegukgi: Brotherhood of War...wuite a nice n touching story! Was i really that engrossed in the movie??? I can't believe that some ppl would actually have thought i did not eat my lunch!!! Had EEPS after lunch...classes ended arnd 4! Waited for Tuan Jiaw n Ce Ya to borrow some books for their COMT before the 3 of us bought shepard's pie at the atrium n sat there! I guess we had our own mini guys gathering! Quite cool yea...listen to music...laugh at ppl...look at CBK's...After that TJ had to go for some meeting so me n Ce Ya went home!!!
Actually i got alot of pics + a few videos but i guess i am jus too lazy to upload to my com...so maybe one day ya'll will see it! But for now...TATA!!!
12:07 AM♥
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Western at Can 3 SUXs
Today went for CAEM early in the morning! Finally Jac is ealier than me but she is still not on time anyway...late ready so i did not have time to go to Cheers to buy drink :( Went to class n it was quite boring...not even 1/2 hr into the lesson n jac's book was already completely filled up with doodles! Not long after she jus slept thru most of the lesson! Thanks to me dearest Toilet buddy, i have a new Chinese name: 爱拉屎... Went to co-op after caem n bought drinks. Den the both of us waited for Cheryl to come! Eric hu came first told us dat Cheryl was with Donny! But in the end...she n a whole gang of ppl...8/9+ came walking towards us...like gang liddat sia! Lunch went to canteen 3 with the guys n ate the new western food! Trust me...DO NOT ever eat their food! Total wastage of money to buy crap! Went to Cheers to wait while Ce Ya n Ephraim smoked! Met up with the girls n headed to class together! Super embaressing sia dey all! EECAD was damn stupid lah! I think we can ace this course without a teacher at all lah! Me n Ce Ya finished the exercise on our own ahead of the teacher jus by following our notes! After we were all done with the assignment, the teacher left early so mostly we jus played arnd...but most of the time we were disturbing the ppl from J2 having their math tutorial! i think we are so gonna be aimed by the lecturer for our class tml! Had AEL tut before going for training! For some unknown reason the snrs decided to take things relaxed today so we played BB after running n before gym! Training ended soon n after doing another 60 push ups since got 2 person nvr wear black...we all went to bathe! Waited for Chin Koon, hu was waiting for (fuck you) before we went to BTM to eat! Really hungry, short of cash, no motivation to queue so ate carrot cake again..i am seriously addicted to the carrot cake sia! Soon after took a bus with Chin Koon n (fuck you) home! *(fuck you is a name given to that person by Chin Koon...so if u happen to see this pls go find him, not me) Give me a sign that u r willing to accept me! After going online for sometime...i decided to watch a movie before sleeping! But while searching...my dearest cousin told me to go to sleep now since it is so late! Thus i decided to blog for abit first before sleeping! This friday is gonna be a drag! Classes end early at 4 on that day but apparently i have to be at kallang at 7 for the Singapore Regatta Team Managers meeting! Sianz...there had better be food for me to eat ova there...Anyways i gonna sleep oredi! Have a long day tml with 5hrs of boring EEPS pract...
12:52 AM♥
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
(F) is for U
I jus did something very foolish today n it has landed me in the hospital...managed to get the video from Tuan Jiaw, hu happpened to call the ambulance for me too! Thanks man dude!
I shan't say why i did it, cos it is too personal...but lemme tell all ya ppl out there...if wanna do something like this, do it properly! To go thru the agonizing aftermath is simply unbearable!
Anyway went to class feeling not in the right mood today! AEL was a drag...the teacher keep on aim me one sia...damn suay! Not like i dun listen to the class or wad mah! After class we followed the rest to canteen 1 but in the end, me Tuan Jiaw n Ce Ya went to SIM to eat! I guess the food there is ok lah! For abt the same price as NP...u can get air conditioned comfort while eating as well...So went for ComPro after lunch!
I guess ComPro is the only subject i am looking forward too this sem but too bad it is not examinable :( Once we went for AEL prac...i guess my mood reached an all time low! Oh well...so after AEL prac dat thing happened n by the time i woke up....i was in the hospital oredi! I woke up to have my lunch n msn for awhile before i fell asleep again! Woke up arnd 10.30 liddat n decided to blog! I dunno how long i will be in the hospital but the doc says i shld be here for abt a week...depending on the state of my recovery! Anyways hope to cya all soon... especiallly YOU
7:58 PM♥
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Blardy Cabbie
Went for training today...raining quite heavily but jus went anyway...hoping dat dun need run! :) I got a seat after raffles n slept the remainder of the journey to Kallang! When i got off i saw Eric n Darren! Wad a coincidence! Chatted with them for ahile before i discovered that at one point of time tis morning, training was temporarily canceled n i did not know cos i did not hear or check my fone for messages! Anyway i received 3 msg with regard to training...n they are as follows "Eric: Training Canceled, Eric: Training Resumed, Lawrence: Training still on" Luckily i did not see the first msg n went home...but i was thinking how stupid it will be if training was not resumed n i still went down for training... Eric sitting beside the ever so cute n handsome FATTY!!! Training today did not turn out so well! Brian told us to train for marathon n suggested that we rowed doubles so me n eric paired up! We were actually quite slow compared to the rest n i did something unimaginable today! I capsized more than 10 times...n on a double kayak at that! First time i had ever capsized so many times (except for K-boat training) n it was so embarassing! However all of the caps, save for 1, was due to training to edge on the boat for efficient turning! After training went to Suntec to eat n than chilled with the seniors at Rocky Masters for awhile! Soon after went down to Paya Lebar to go my Auntie house! I arrived n jus stayed around, talking to my cousins n grandma while waiting for my uncle to start the BBQ fire! As soon as the BBQ started, i jus camped at the table n ate non-stop...food jus kept coming n coming! After eating for awhile, we all gathered to sing a birthday song for my 12 year old cousin! The cake is super nice lah! Hazlenut ice cream cake! Woo Hoo! After eating, i jus sat around listening to the adults chat abt stuff! Mostly talking abt the bad stuff of China (ok maybe got a few good stuff, but mostly the bad stuff) Quite chaotic sia, have all the robbery/begging/corruption/cheats/spoilt food n everything usder that big communist flag!!! Reminds me of the time i went to China got some stupid beggar girl grab onto my jacket n refused to let go! After my father tugged n pulled at her did she finally kena yanked off by my dad! Iswear if my dad did not do that...i would have jus lift her up n swing her round n round n just let go! Blardy beggar idiot!!! After awhile got tired of listening to all the stuff abt the god damned chinese so went to join my younger cousins! Ended up helping my Tang Jie to clear up all the mess dat they made sia! Den later i played catching with 2 of my cousins! Damn funny lah! They 2 person try to catch me! den i run around n around in the tennis court they oso cannot catch sia! Super fun but tiring sia!!! After dat listened in to the uncles n aunties talking abt food for awhile before we all headed home! Took a cab back! First time i slept in the cab sia! N jus nice this time the stupid driver go wrong way! Exited at Jurong East/Bukit Batok ther instead of Toh Guan! Idiotic lah! Which person dunno where is Jurong East St 21 - Where IMM is!!! Feel like kicking his stupid ass! Anyway went back home n i chanced upon 2 very displeasing blogs!!!
11:42 PM♥
good ol' days
Gone were the days when i was still in New Town... I really miss the times i used to spend in the NCC room! It is as good as a second home to me! When i first took ova the unit, Logistic were always nvr to be found...so it most of the times me n a few of my buddies will stay in the room n jus clean up! Had lotsa fun along the way as well! How can i forget all the mock fights we had, the sudden outburst of rage n the random bullying of ppl! Cheng Hong...the best Section Commander i have! Although always have girl problems, n not really willing to sacrifice too much time into the corps, when he takes his cadets he really trains them welll. Ruban, my classmate n Platoon Sergeant of part B! Despite being very laid back in all the things he does, i believe that he truely cares for his cadets...no doubt! Shaha, the supposedly most promising guy of our batch..platoon commander of Part C! He has wad it takes but i guess family problems have taken a huge toll on him, forcing him to not able to commit to much! Ruban, my most trusted platoon sergeant!
Webster and Cheng Hong + ME, (in my opinion, the 3 most capable guys within the unit)
These guys are the ones hu went thru thick n thin with me thoughout the year i was in command of the unit as the unit sergeant major but there is one other guy hu has really been there with me throughout the whole way! Webster, my assistant sergeant major! Although he likes to make it seem like he is carefree n dun give a shit abt anything...he really hopes dat our batch of specialist can make a difference to the ever so dissapointing unit! To our CO he is jus a rebellious guy hu refuses to cut his hair, but behind his back he has helped me in many things! Although there r some guys hu i am dissapointed with of some thigs they have done, but they are still the guys hu went thru 3 1/2 yrs of grueling training with! Many stuff have happened during my reign over the unit for the year! Especially the internal camp dat we help...first there was the spiderman incident where one of my specialist was climbing up n down the building from 1st to second floor n was seen by my officer! Thank god he was in a good mood n i did not receive a thrashing from him! Den for one of the night, all of us specialists decided to order Macs to school! Since the gate was locked, one of my section commanders threw a chair ova the gate for the delivery guy to stand n pass the food ova the fence! In the end we were caught by my CO but after a lecture from him...he let us have our food :) Although i am still going back to NTSS for Ncc training once awhile...but it all feels different without the guys...the preceding batch are jus too much of a failure n i am unsure if they are even capable of holding our standards of silver which i brought up from bronze! Hopefully one day the present bunch of juniors can make a diff n prove to everyone that u dun have to be a great person to accomplish great things!
12:15 AM♥
Friday, October 19, 2007
die große Liebe
Im super bored now! Went to school dressed in formal shirt today along with Ce Ya n Guan Yu... I think i am gonna try wearing my other black shirt sometime soon too cos it looks better on me den my white/purple one! Classes this semester is very boring...i guess the only lesson i look forward to is computer programming cos the stuff we learn down there is very interesting! Anyway went for lunch with the J1 guys out at Bukit Timah today! J2 didn't join us cos they only have 1 hr lunch for this sem...totally sux lah!!! Anyway i guess next time we wun be going out of school to eat so often cos it would be bad to leave ainiah n jac all alone in school while we go out eat! Anyway today we went to eat the Taiwan Porridge again! Damn nice lah! In total, us 7 guys had 20 bowls of porridge, with me settling 4 of the 20 bowls :) It was relatively cheap for the 5 dishes that we shared...paying 5 bucks per person! Something very irritating jus happened to me! apparently somebody tagged a very stupid message on my tagbox using my name...if i eva catch hu did dat... grrr!!!! Give me courage for i dun have the guts to say wad i want...i will express my feelings not in the form of words, but in action! only if u let me do so...i love u sooo...
11:18 PM♥
Thursday, October 18, 2007
I jus don't know who i am or wad i have become... ...
11:30 PM♥
Lah Lah Land
School! school! school! Supposed to be studying hard for this semester but 4 days have gone by n i don't seem to have paid attention for a whole class yet! Supposed to have a 5 hr practical today but were released early due to some unknown reason (cos i did not listen) so went to Marina with Ceya n the 4 girls! Had dinner dere before going home! Took express bus 502 which kinda reduced my ez link to a pathetic state of -92 cents!!!
Alvin...my long lost fren from NTSS sent me an email titled "Teacher Vomit Blood" contain some very hilarous pics!
This two confirmation windows popped up after Tuan Jiaws com kena virus attack!!!
A little something i created in dedication to the love between my classmate, Glenn n MY!
I guess i hafta admit dat some things i wrote for others can be applied to me?
9:59 PM♥
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Sian Arh...
Ok...thanks to Ainiah, there r some things i can't say no mattter how much i wanna do so in the future!!! Anyway today met Jac at cheers in the morning to go for AEM. But that slowpoke took her own sweet time, causing me to be late despite my earliness. AEM was quite boring...maybe cos we were learning stuff we had learnt before - SETS!
Up next was AMTL lecture...which is starting to be similar to AMPR lecture, where many ppl r jus minding their own business or playing with their com! In fact truth to be told...i have not learnt a single thing during my AMTL n AEL classes today! Seems that we r still facing the craze for the 60 cents chocolate...all finish it up like vultures! Anyway since our EECAD class ended 1 1/2 hrs earlier...me, ce ya n ephraim decided to go down to lvl 5 to install our visual studio! Spent quite a long time there but we still had fun nonetheless (as depicted in the video below)
After class went for training! Training was like any normal training only that i feel weak all ova! Maybe is cos long time nvr have training oredi! After training we went to BTM to eat again! I sat with the seniors Chin Koon, Kevin, Alvin n Ethan! They are a group of super funny lame ppl! Ethan was asking how much this pair of D n G jeans cost...n Alvin said: I am A, Kevin is K, Chin Koon is C n Alex is A...here got no D or G so y u ask us? Lols...super lame! Den we started to make fun of Ethan hu seemed to have unlimited affiliations everywhere...including the boss of TopShop! So we disturbed him by asking to get us free clothing! N if possible to sponser us for River Regatta! So we will be rowing in Cardigens/Blazers/Skinny Jeans etc...
So headed home after dinner! Took a bus with Chin Koon n Sheena as usual...today was really awkward for me! Shall not say y... Hehehehe!
11:09 PM♥
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
I have a pair of hot pink underwear!
Ok...today is the first day of school with my fellow J12 classmates! Went to school early to meet terence n collect my overdue birthday present! A PAIR OF HOT PINK UNDERWEAR!!! Here is a pic of it! (BIG Thank You to Terence, Jocelyn n Jie Min)
Apparently the class minah did not come for class today so can't pester her for the delicious peanut cookie her mum made! :) Anyway the first lesson we had was Analogue Electronics! The teacher is the same teacher hu used to teach Eltech to K-class n looked like a gangsta! I have doubts about whether he is capable of teaching our class of such high intellects! Lol...
Anyway we went to canteen 3 for lunch after deciding to abandon the ever so crowded canteeen 2! Had vegetarian food which was super nice! After lunch J1 went for computer programming practical! I think i will be deeply interested in this module although i did not pay attention to the class today as i had not installed my visual studios yet! Therefore i did wad we always do best...play the fool in the class! This can be depicted in the video below!
Besides this video...jac the ass oso drew something on my hand...which eventually got me scolded by my mom...the first pic below says: alex the sexy lion, while the 2nd one says: i have a pair of sexy hot pink underwear!!!
Anyway after class we headed for our AMTL practical...taking abt 1/2 hr to get there since it was raining in did not know how to get there! The lecturer very funny...while telling us abt how our attitude will be taken into consideration into our overall %, he kept looking at Tuan Jiaw which apparently made him very nervous :)
After class slacked arnd at atrium, got some free red bull before we headed for the CAEM breifing! Hopefully i can change my IS timeslot or else i would have wasted 7 bucks printing the CAEM handout!
My brand new bed!!!
9:54 PM♥
Monday, October 15, 2007
FISHY Canoeist Camp???
Ok...back from FCC yesterday...but too lazy to blog abt it so i will do it now! Thu morning went to school early for NP Regatta. While waiting for everyone else to come...some of us played frisbee! Many interesting n funny things happened n had a good laugh! After dat we all boarded the bus n headed for Kallang! In total we rowed twice! One time for the wualifying round n the other for the finals! For the qualifying round, we got first position...winning even our seniors! Although we merely got second during the finals, but many of us were happy that al least we had rowed faster den our seniors! Met Joy Joy at kalllang as well as she was competing for her cca, the outward bounders! After the regatta, we all took a bus n headed back to school for FCC!
Sheena n Chin Koon with a spastic face!
First day we jus played Captains Ball, did some block catching as usual, watched a horror movie n den went for night walk. Although the night walk wasn't really that scary...but i guess the idea of going alone kinda freaked me out! Thus i did quite a few embaressing things that i will not disclose! ;-) After the night walk our activities for the day ended! Second day had a some pool activites! Super fun! After dat we were supposed to have some "dirty" games but i guessed the weather did not turn out well so in the end we jus played some ball games in the hall! Nonetheless i guess i should thank alll the committee members for their hard work in the preparations of the activities! After that came one of the highlights of the camp! We were told to put on our stockings n shower caps...as we were all gonna head out of school in that attire! So the entire canoeing club donned their Stockings n shower caps n we all took a bus down to clementi central! It would have been emberassing but luckily we went as a group so it was not that bad! I still can't believe that after all the gays i was faced with at changi village, i would actually dress up something like dat...wad a letdown to my pride! Anyway ova a clementi we played this game that was similar to the taiwan show "Shi Zhi Lu Kou" So we had to go around finding food (eg. Ice cream-Cream puff-etc...)! At one point of time to get our last clue, we had to go to macs, ask around from ppl to spare us some fries to fill up an empty frie box, n den eat it all up! Anyway after the whole thing ended we took a bus back to school!
Me n Markus (Hot Stuff) Markus jus looks gay A whole buch of cross dressing canoeist!
The third day was equally exciting! We all went down to sentosa n had some kind of game! We were supposed to go to diffirent parts of the island n complete certain task there! Some of the task included taking pics with ppl of certain ages, singing love songs to the employees of a food stall, n singing to the crowd n have them clap for us... We had many fun moments there n soon after we went back to school to prepare for our camp night! My group came up with a short skit that displayed some of the ppl from the club with very prominent traits! During the soon after we had our camp night! A fun time we had n lots of laughing done! However, i guess none as good as when Adam act auntie with boobs and all n Donny acted cute... After the camp night we basically had free time to ourselves. Although they had prepared some disco night event for us or some ball games for the others...i opted to stay in our room n chill down dere! At first was alone but eventually joined by a few ppl such as, Chin Koon, Sheena, Elaine, Teck Shen n Alvin. Poor alvin was waiting for his Girlfriend to settle some stuff with the club president but he got so tired of waiting so he went to sleep! The next day we all woke up super late...had our breakfast before having our photo taking! Had many fotos but dunno when they will come n where to get them :) Anyway, after taking the fotos, we break camp oredi! Den the polo guys went to have a game so i decided to join them to try out the polo boats...
The Polo boats are not really that nice to move in...move being sprint in, as they turn very easily n the glide is not there! However after trying out the boat, a few of the seniors taught me how to do paddle row n hand roll, n after trying out a few times n getting tips from the seniors, i can now do paddle row n maybe manage a hand roll! They have asked me to consider being a hybrid but i dun think that will be happeninig anytime soon as despite my interest in the boat skills (stuff u can accomplish with the polo boat) i still enjoy jus rowing a boat den playing a game of polo on it!
So after the polo tryout, i cabbed down to Marina to meet CHERYL, Jac, n Yue Hao. Caught Resident Evil 3 (not so nice) had dinner, shopped around for Cheryl's D'n'D dress, saw Yue Hao's love interest, went to clark Quay to find Ce Ya n headed home!
Went to school today n found out that my IAC/COMT class was shared with Glen, Yue Hao n sister CKY! I starting to dread IS modules alot n having it as the first lessons of the week is simply a turn off!!! Anyway after school headed straight home, intending to watch 28 days later on my com but i kinda fell asleep till 9.30! Had my dinner, watch the show and am blogging now! I really hope that despite our new timetable, the relationship of J12 will still be kept close all the way to year 3 !!! Ok...i shall head back to my movie now!
(Pics from the chalet) Our $154 receipt My bag of pirated goods Proof of my artistic talent no 1. Proof of artistc talent no 2. Bike dat Jac broke with her bare ass Tuan Jiaw happy with the present me n the gals gave him!
The next few pics are evidence of wad happpens when u put a bunch of canoeist in front of the camera
CHERYL, this is the game that showed how bad ur math is!...remember now? :)
11:55 PM♥
Thursday, October 11, 2007
It hurts for u to do this to me!
I jus went out to eat supper with Chin Koon n Sheena! First time i actually went to eat supper in the middle of the night with friends...its damn fun to be with them lah! I irritate them...they irritate me! We are jus having fun shooting each other! Hmms Chin Koon...u know the thing i always say abt u n HER...i think it is really true lah! Haiz...actually i took a nice foto of them! But too bad that stupid LITTLE Sheena deleted the foto! Really hope that we can come out more often like this...but of course find new place to eat as well! I sure as hell am not gonna eat Mac everytime we go for supper!
Im really sad that things like this will happen! It is not becos of wad is being said! But becos SHE said it...well...i guess sometimes u jus can't force things to happen any way u want it!!!
1:52 AM♥
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Hello everybody...back from yet another amazing J12 gatheration!!! Met CKY at Jurong East station n took a train together to City Hall. I let her hold Tuan Jiaws present n it was amusing to see her carry it as if she were to carry it normally, the plastic bag would touch the ground! (Dun tell her that I am implying she is short lols) Anyway we met up with Jac n Cheryl at City Hall...we den boarded the train n headed for Tampines! Ova there, we went to yoshinoya to eat before going to the station to wait for other J-classmates to arrive! Sad to say we were only able to receive 1 person...Jason! So the 5 of us went to NTUC to buy stuff for the BBQ n chalet! We had a fun time with the choosing of all the seafood n stuff! Soon, the rest of the ppl arrived n together we bought the stuff n took a bus to our Chalet!
Our chalet
The chalet is damn big! 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room n kitchen! When we settled down...a few of us went to Changi Village to rent bikes! Since CKY did not know how to ride a bike...I ended up renting one of those tandem bikes with her! We den cycled back to the chalet n prepared for the bbq! The preparation of the food was quite a fun process! There was this time when jac tried to remove the ink from the squid as directed by Trey when the ink started flowing out...n she was so panicky! N then I tried to defrost the chicken wings by microwaving it n a few of the wings ended up partially cooked on the outside! Super cool!
The bbq was so so only...cos the fire not really very good...the chicken wings were not that good! But when we began cooking the nuggets...we jus could not stop! The nuggets were simply the best eva! After bbq we kinda slacked around watching TV before I went to cycle with a few of the guys! After we returned...I went to cycle again with the girls n a couple of the guys! We went all the way to the airport runway this time! It was damn cool lah!...but I think the runway looks better when u r sitting on top of a lorry n speeding by! Soon we returned to the chalet...so the rest went to sleep while I chilled around the hse before going outside to jus sit down there n enjoy the breeze! I guess I kinda fell asleep outside before Cheryl suddenly came out jus to WHACK me!
After awhile I decided to cycle out to 7-11 to buy some stuff to eat n drink n oso spent some time on my own...intended to buy some vodka back for the rest but then the stupid 7-11 guy wanted to check my IC...so I went to Cheers instead...ova there I ran into Cheryl, Kai Yi n Donny...went there to buy some muscle ache thing for Jac! I managed to but a bottle of Hooch n shared it with them! While cycling back...we met with Ephraim n Jac...so we slowly made our way back...after we reached...we jus slacked around before I felt like cycling again!
Wanted to explore around but Cheryl came behind me so in the end we 2 went to Changi Beach Park...although the sun was oredi out n we all did not managed to see the sunrise...but the view of the sun looming ova the sky from the beach was simply magnificent! We sat at the beach for awhile b4 heading to collect sea shells for CKY...in the end Cheryl made a message for her using the sea shells n den we headed back to the chalet!
After awhile we went to return our bikes! Since the rest were sleeping n some ppl, Cheryl for example, could not wake up no matter how much we tried to...some of us had to bring two bikes ova! N since Jac's leg was injured n KY did know how to ride a bike, they pushed the bikes ova from the chalet! So we all cycled to Changi Village! Then I got Glenn to get on the Tandem bike with me n we went to find the others hu were making their way there slowly...Glenn then took one of the bikes from jac n Ky n cycled back while Yue Hao cycled with 2 bikes back! Den Jac got on the back of my Bike n KY sat on the bar of Ce Ya's bike! Once we reached Changi Village...Ying Chao got on my bike n I cycled hi back to the chalet reception where he took the shuttle bus to the mrt station! I den returned back to Changi Village! That was one of the most tiring times ever...I am like a taxi lah!!!
So after returning the bikes...the few of us had our breakfast at Changi Village! The goring pisang down there is damn nice sia...so we went back to the chalet n for the rest of the day we jus slacked in the Chalet...oh yea...I oso jus discovered that Cheryl's basic math is terrible! After awhile...me, Markus n Adam decided to go to Changi Sailing Club to reccee the swimming pool n stuff! Ova there I discovered tat they had T-boats! Tried persuading Markus n Adam to rent the boat together but they refused!
So awhile later we returned back t the Chalet! Went to Changi Village to have our dinner n meet up with Trey, Nelson n Tuan Jiaw...after dinner we went to Pasir Ris n went Prawning n fishing! We managed to catch 4 or 5 prawns...another 1 I caught using the net used to store the prawns, while ce ya caught another using his hands! Damn cool to catch prawns using ur hands! The others oso managed to catch 2 damn big fish! We went back to our chalet soon as many of us were hungry...wanted to order macs but there was overwhelming orders so we could not order until like 20 mins later! IN the end we walked to Changi village n bought some food from the coffee shop!
Apart from supper i came back from cheers with THIS!!!
After eating I waited awhile before bathing n going upstairs to the room...Cheryl, Tuan Jiaw, Yue Hao, Ce Ya, n Ephraim were exchanging jokes with one another! So I joined in with them but ended up sleeping in the middle of the bed! After awhile they all left the room n Cheryl asked me move ova cos she wanted to sleep oso! :) This is the first time since the chalet that I actually slept! Before den, I guessed I slept not more den an hour since I came to the chalet! In fact I was so tired that Ce Ya told me that in the morning they tried waking me up to watch sunrise but to no avail!!! Anyway...I guess I was oso quite lucky cos I got the whole bed to myself! I guess I was the only person hu did not have to share a bed... maybe except for Cheryl until Jac came in n intruded on her! lols
Aerospace Canoeist
The next morning we woke up packed our bags n got ready to check out! Cleared the hse abit n den we all made our way out! At the reception there! Me n Adam kinda got shocked by some news! Apparently the booking of the chalet was done by the number of nights, not days...so we supposedly had 1 more day to stay in the chalet! But I guess everyone was too tired to stay on...hopefully the ppl at Aloha will be kind enuf to give us a refund! Lols...
Really enjoyed myself with the peeps from AEJ12...hopefully we can have a fishing/cycling trip or some activity as a class soon!!! Anyway i dun think i can go on anymore...this is like a god damned blardy long post lah...anyway i gonna be gone for another 4 more days as i have go for FCC-Fishy Canoeist Camp!!! Unsure wheher to bring my laptop or not...but most probably would!!!