Sunday, August 26, 2007
Lion - Sexy Penguin - Jac's Fren - Chu Ma - Lan Jiao Bin - Chao Lao Bin
7:46 PM♥
Went for Kayaking yesterday. OMG...i shld have put the blardy sun block! My shoulders n back are hurting like hell lah. I couldn't even slp properly last nite. Anyway...was on the fone with min min last nite n we came up with a stupid song: Alex Ng Chee Bong (bom bom bom bom) His face hong hong (bom bom bom bom) Body long long (bom bom bom bom) Everynight ton (bom bom bom bom) To play mahjung (bom bom bom bom) Lose money until gong (bom bom bom bom) Have to find da er long (bom bom bom bom) damn lame lah, but to be continued!
So went to my Grand mothers hse today to pray for the 7th month/family gathering. First time my relatives saw my piercing...but luckily dey were not against it! Quite surprised that my cousin is in NUSDB. Anyway, he is as dark as me lah, so cool. So at arnd 5 liddat we left for home as my sis had to study for her Chem paper tomolo. Went to NTUC first to buy some stuff. I bought my 3-PLY tissue paper, DARS chocolate n a bottle of Bacardi (how could i leave Singapore without drinking Bacardi!).
Anyways, this would probably be my last post b4 i leave for Langkawi tomolo. Yes, for those hu dunno, i am going to Langkawi with a few of my classmates for 5 days. Miss me ya! So hopefullly i will be back with no problems n spam this blog with pictures galore!!!
6:57 PM♥
Saturday, August 25, 2007
NO LIFE? I dun think so...
To prove to my classmates dat i have a life outside of NP, i am gonna post...haha. So i stayed at home on wed whole day to watch some korean drama, Full house. Damn funny lah dat show. So it is like i watch for 6 hrs straight with out resting at all.So on thu by right supposed to go out walk walk/play pool with Cheryl, Kai Yi, Ainiah, Ephraim n Glen, but decided to PS dem for gym and dota with Terence. At gym, i met Adam. Dat bastard, intro me his biceps training regime, my arms are like still hurting now lah...omg - wanna slap him.Yesterday (friday) i woke up at 1 n headed back to New town for seriously getting sian of it oredi, luckily i will be joined soon by 2 CLTs, Koh Han Pin n Jason Yong. Hope dat i can slip away after dey return. So anyways, met Daniel, Matin n Laila in school. Wah, very long time nvr see Laila liao, n she is apparently not growing taller (winks to ainiah n Kai Yi). LOLSo basically this is the breakdown of events the last 3 days. N here is a damn stupid conversation i had with CHeryl earlier on...(11:04 PM) - k³ - DUM DUM L:
y are u appearing offline?
(11:04 PM) - k³ - DUM DUM L:
or r u offline?
(11:04 PM) - k³ - DUM DUM L:
(11:04 PM) - k³ - DUM DUM L:
i should ponder upon tis matter
(11:04 PM) - k³ - DUM DUM L:
but i think dat u r offline
(11:04 PM) - k³ - DUM DUM L:
since u nvr appear offline
(11:04 PM) - k³ - DUM DUM L:
if dat is the case
(11:04 PM) - k³ - DUM DUM L:
i must look like an ass
(11:05 PM) - k³ - DUM DUM L:
talking to u when u offline
(11:05 PM) - k³ - DUM DUM L:
(11:05 PM) - k³ - DUM DUM L:
(11:05 PM) CHERYL:
i online still
(11:05 PM) - k³ - DUM DUM L:
u r online
(11:05 PM) - k³ - DUM DUM L:
(11:05 PM) - k³ - DUM DUM L:
(11:05 PM) - k³ - DUM DUM L:
dat makes me a bigger assHaha..jus some stupid shit. Anyway nowadays i seem to embaress myself alot. First dat webcam thing, den go out with Alexis, N jus now, i acc adress myself as virgin horse to one of my frens! Damn pai seh lah! ALL JAC's FAULT!!!
12:21 AM♥
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
The start of something GREAT
OK...i took my final paper today, meaning that it marks the start of my holiday. However, it doesn't mean i am going to jus play n have fun like i did for my term break. Mostly my time will be taken up by canoeing and i am hoping to find a job to satisfy may newly founded exorbiant ways.
Anyway, came to school early today to celebrate Min Min's bdae with Terence n Joy Joy. I bought for her a slice of cake n a bottle of Barcardi red ruby to compensate for the Ben n Jerry treat which i will not be giving! My $16 birthday cake for Min Min

In total my present consist of this cake n that wonderful looking bottle of Barcardi!

Birthday girl going for the Barcardi...well hu wouldn't!
Anyway...after the paper, went with Jacq, Cheryl, KY, Ainiah, Ce Ya, Ephraim n Glen to Marina Square. owever, due to the fact that niah didn't feel like eating sushi as planned, so went to Swenson instead. Had lots of fun there with KY crapping n stuff. According to Alexis, this is the signature marina square floor from 10 years ago!

When there is no mike, use a Choco Pop Cone!
After dinner we went to the Esplanade Walk n jus chilled down there. Once again niah decided to leave her slipper unattended so i took it n hid from her again. Damn cool lah, getting realli addicted doing that. :)Staring at the horizon (oopps - i mean construction)

Sitting jus above the water...Ainiah abit the weird rite?

Wadeva KY wans...SHE GETS!!!!
Really looking forward to Langkawi...though not the whole class going, but at least i am relative close to those going. Sad thing though, my younger sis, Alexis wun be going. Her presense alone is enuf to entertain us even if the activities totally sux. Min Min, Sorry for PS-ing u today....:(
10:49 PM♥
Monday, August 20, 2007
12:02 AM♥
Sunday, August 19, 2007
I am a Virgin horse!
Lol...was chatting with Jac n came across something damn funny. We were talking abt how lame she is getting to be nowadays thanks to her ever so lame classmates, namely me, Tuan Jiaw n Ainiah...n this is wad happens: - k³ - DUM DUM LEX LEX (Offline) says:
u getting lamer nowadays oso
- k³ - DUM DUM LEX LEX (Offline) says:
jacqqq says:
jacqqq says:
jacqqq says:
cos of you
jacqqq says:
& jiaw
jacqqq says:
& niah
jacqqq says:
jacqqq says:
lame classmates i got
jacqqq says:
- k³ - DUM DUM LEX LEX (Offline) says:
- k³ - DUM DUM LEX LEX (Offline) says:
true tue
- k³ - DUM DUM LEX LEX (Offline) says:
i jus told ainaih i go check something
- k³ - DUM DUM LEX LEX (Offline) says:
n u know wad she said...
- k³ - DUM DUM LEX LEX (Offline) says:
ok go go
- k³ - DUM DUM LEX LEX (Offline) says:
go horsey go
- k³ - DUM DUM LEX LEX (Offline) says:
- k³ - DUM DUM LEX LEX (Offline) says:
wtf is dat lah
jacqqq says:
jacqqq says:
jacqqq says:
- k³ - DUM DUM LEX LEX (Offline) says:
u oso horsey lor
- k³ - DUM DUM LEX LEX (Offline) says:
u r an aries horsey
- k³ - DUM DUM LEX LEX (Offline) says:
while i am a virgin horse
- k³ - DUM DUM LEX LEX (Offline) says:
cu ma!
jacqqq says:
jacqqq says:
jacqqq says:
- k³ - DUM DUM LEX LEX (Offline) says:
jacqqq says:
jacqqq says:
BLOG IT BLOG ITN so here am i blogging abt how i am Alex, LiontheSP, aka Chu Ma!
11:47 PM♥
LOL...i jus did something super stupid. Seeing how Jacq was so freaked out by recieving freaky phone calls, i decided to try my hands at it. So i called her n didn't say a word. She said hello a few times n i could her it in her voice dat she was getting afraid. Thus i decided not to scare her anymore n spoked to her. LOL...sorry Jacq! But as i told u i was too nice to carry on scaring u! Haha. Pls forgive me!
1:13 AM♥
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Sayonara Pattrick
Woken up by Yi Ming today asking me to have lunch with Pattrick as he will be leaving Singapore to return to Indo liao. So i got up n rushed ova to Wisma since i was given only 1 hr. Got there 15 mins late...but apparently i was the earliest. So when Yi Ming, Pattrick, Jun Yong n Jerome arrived, we went to the pasta shop at Taka basement 1. OMBG...the freaking meatball pasta costs like 10 bucks n the serving is so pathetic. Haha. Pattrick and Yi Ming
After lunch, we went to paradis centre to play pool n were joined by Ernest. Arnd 4, Patt had to leave already so we stopped n sent him the taxi stand (we couldn't be bothered to send him to the airport as dat means we had to cab there ourselves). So after Patt left, we went back into Paradis centre n played Dota. First time i played at a Lan shop after i got my laptop. N playing Dota with my sec school buddies really remind me how noob i am. Killed 1, KSed 1 n died 10 times! After dat we all decided to go home as most of us were expected back home for dinner. After i came home, msned for abit n talked to jac as well. N look at wad she was so proud to tell me!
Min min's birthday is tis mon, meaning i owe her a Ben N Jerry's treat soon. N i have not gotten a present for Donny's birthday tis tue...anyone got any ideas pls tell me!
More pics from Yesterday:

9:11 PM♥
Friday, August 17, 2007
Westzone Superstar
Went to school early to day to do some last min studying with Jac, Cheryl, Kai Yi n Ainiah. I ate the chicken rice at the Atrium for lunch n i think i got cheated. I said i wanted the half chicken one, so the lady ask me pay $1.40. Den later another lady helped me serve my chicken rice. Den after recieving my order, i noticed that like very little chicken, told Jac n she told me dat the person hu took my order like nvr tell the other person i orderd the xtra chicken one. But its ok...i dun think many ppl buy stuff from there anyway, let them earn some money lah! Haha.
The EG1 paper was ok lah. Except for two qns which i totally had no idea how to was relatively simple. After the paper, i went to Jerome's hse to spend some time b4 going down to SP. Pattrick, Jun Yong n Yi Ming were there as well. They all haven changed much, except for Jun Yong hus hair is quite long...abit wierd. Arnd 5.50 i left his hse n went to SP.
Met Webster outside the convention centre n we went in. Nevin was there n as always, see me liao will start to xia lan, nvr change! Surprise surprise...i saw Lea, Daria n Jian Le soon after...long time since i last met them, so decided to sit with them. The concert was so-so only lah...cos they keep on singing chinese song so i didn't like. But my company was fun. Webster's frens were all them high...when someone sing umbrella den they took out umbrella n started to wave like crazy. Den when the emcee told us that it is not right if there is only 1000 spectators n 2000 votes...Nevin actually shout out: I ask my Mother vote cannot meh! Damn funny lah...Lea as normal shout at anything and everything!
Poor lea kana pang sehed by Daria
Took a pic with her to keep her entertained...Haha
Lea n Daria

Its really fun to meet up with New Towners as they bring back fond memories. After the concert ended, me, Lea, Daria, Jian Le and his fren headed to clementi to eat dinner before heading home. Quite nice to meet up with Lea n Daria as they always brighten up my day as i do to theirs :)
11:55 PM♥
Thursday, August 16, 2007
I really Luv Haagen Daaz
Studying again with Jac, CHeryl, Ainiah, Kai Yi, Ephraim n Ce Ya. Met jac n cheryl at bus stop as they were unsure if they knew their way. We walked arnd abit b4 they decided to buy some food (Roti Mum, Fried Squid head) to eat. Den we waited outside the video shop while waiting for the rest to come...dunno y but i was kinda intrigued by the documentary on arctic animals. Abit wierd to see me staring at the screen so intently. Soon Kai Yi and Ainiah came with Ephraim. It appears dat they were late again cos Ainiah went back to sleep so the rest had to wait for usual. So we went to BK to eat and then decided to study there as well. I finally completed all the papers for all 3 modules today. I felt an accomplishment but i feel dat it is insufficient. Im going to go early tml morning to do 1 more math paper b4 the exam starts. Halfway thru, Jac Cheryl n Kai Yi went to daiso n came back with a whole plastic bag of stuff to eat...and shared it with us. After i finished all my papers...jac wanted to buy a cheeseburger so i accompanied her to get one, while buying myself an ice cream. We den tried to look for Cheryl n Kai Yi who had gone to E-Base. Very frustrating as we could not find it. We finally decided to give up n called them, realizing that they had gone back to BK.
Soon after, we decided to go to Haagen Daaz again as Ainiah was craving for more ice cream. So we took a bus n headed down there. But before dat, Jac n Cheryl shared a bowl of Tau Hui...Jollibean the Tau Hui not nice lor. When we reached, Ce Ya talked to his colloegues foe awhile b4 coming out n tlling us that the 2-scoop sundae costs 5 bucks only. So we placed our orders, n den went over to the Singapore River n enjoyed our ice cream there. We took lots of pics n even waved to some of the tourists taking the river taxi (alot very dao...wave liao den they jus ignore us). After awhile we headed home. Ce ya decided to stay behind n study at Haagen Daaz so i went back on my own. (by the way...did anyone notice dat for the whole of today...all Jac did was eat n eat n eat...haha...right of me to call her PIG!)
Im really nervous for my EG1 paper since i did not do really well for the common test. Anyway, Webster jus called me n asked me to follow him to some concert at SP. Im not sure wad it is really abt but jus going anyway as i have not really met up with him for a really long time!
9:47 PM♥
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Changi Airport
Today went out with Jacq, Kai Yi, Cheryl, Ephraim, Glen and Si Hong to study! I met up with KY n we headed to Changi together. Arnd paya lebar there i told KY that thee was a possibility that we might be taking the same train as Jacq or Cheryl...n i was right. In fact we were in the same cabin as Jacq hu had jus got on the train at Paya Lebar! So cool lah! Den when we alighted at Tanah Merah to change train...we decided to call Cheryl n it so happens that she was already there waiting to change train. Since we were on a lucky streak, KY decided to call Si Hong n it seems that he oso was at Tanah Merah already waiting for train! This is wad u get when u go out with ME, PURE LUCK!
Went to eat at burger king n were joined by Ephraim, after brunch, we headed to the viewing platform at T1 to study...but due to the inconduciveness of the location, we decided to go to the McDonalds at T2. Stayed there for the remaining part of the day until we decided to stop studying. Headed ova to the viewing platform at T2 for awhile b4 we decided to head home.
Ephraim n Glen left us as they were taking bus back while the rest of us took the Train. After awhile, Jacq, Cheryl and Si Hong got of, leaving me n Kai Yi. Since Kai Yi had a place to sit, she decided to sleep. Throughout the whole journey, she slept with her head bent forward, as though resting on her lap. She looked so deep in sleep so i decided not to wake her up n ask her to sleep properly. Soon we reached Jurong East Interchange n i woke her up, signalling to her that we have reached. But i think she was still groggy from sleeping so she jus continued sitting down. Until before the doors opened i told her again dat we have reached. She den told me: "Huh! Reach oredi arh?" Lol...damn funny lah...den after she woke up her hair was all messed up n her face jus looks damn funny...can't help not laughing. So she took a train back to CCK while i walked back home!
Today was relatively quite productive as i managed to complete n entire ENG MEC paper n even understood some stuff which i had nvr heard b4 in class. I also started off with a few qns from the EG1 paper. Tml might be going out to study again so i really hope that i can cover everything for my EG1, n do better den i did for my common test!
I jus finished my Fundamentals Of Aerospace Technology (FAT) Quiz. N guess wad, i scored a booming 93.13 out of 100. Omg...i seriously rock man. And ii didn't even cheat. Did it all by myself!
To all my AE classmates to achieve standards like mine...u might wanna read the entire SAR 66 requirements!

7:51 PM♥
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Im feeling very TIRED very suddenly
FAT test today was a many qns, so little time, so little knowledge! Had some BB action with the peeps from J12 after lunch. I think i really am obsessed with climbing, but it is jus so nice to be so high up where very few ppl can get up there with u! After school i headed straight home n prepared to play with my lappie. But hu knows i felt tired so i actually took a nap! I dunno wads wrong with me...i swore nvr to take naps as much as possible but i jus let myself sleep like dat! Kai Yi's / Cheryl's wierd obssession of wanting to be carried / wanting to carry!
Haiz...sometimes it is jus so difficult to do things u really wanna do even with lots of determination!
6:14 PM♥
Monday, August 13, 2007
Haagen Daaz ROX!
Today went out with Kai Yi, Ainiah, Jacq n Cheryl to study. Sad to tell u Jacq, i would have been earlier den u if it were not for Ainiah n Kai Yi whom i waited for for more den 15 mins! So when we got on the train to city hall, Kai Yi started to get high again! She was like complaining how it is a long journey n she was scared of falling down or something lah...wierd is the word i will use to describe KY in short! LoL. So on we went. At city hall, i kinda got guilty that we were making jacq wait so long. Therefore i called her n told her that we would be arriving in bout 4 mins...when in fact the train going to dhobu ghaut from city hall was arriving in only 4 mins. Sorry Jacq! Lol. So we reached n while waiting for Jacq n Cheryl to find me, Kai Yi n Ainiah went to play on the travellator! Totally lost my face sia! So we went to Burger King at PS before heading to Starbucks at The Cathay. The seats were too small so we decided to go to suntec to study. So we took a bus an landed ourselves at Suntec Starbucks! However, no mood to study again so we decided to go to Ce Ya's workplace = Clark Quay Haagen Daaz! But went to Suntec Toys "R" Us first cos Ainiah n Kai Yi want to apply for job! Ova n jacq had lots of fun jus exploring all the diff toys while waiting for the 3 of them to settle their job application! Jacq had so much fun until an old lady told her 7+ year old grand daughter that she so old liao still wanna play with toys. Jacq got so totally embaressed that she walked away while i jus followed behind laughing away! Haha...we were later joined by Ainiah n KY playing with the stuffed toys while Cheryl went to chat with her frens. Really had lots of fun there seeing them play with all the toys! Me n Jacq having fun exploring the toys!

Abit the lesbianic!

We then took a train to Clark Quay Haagen Daaz. We actually climbed up 90 steps jus to leave the mrt station (fit sia we all). While walking ova, i acually scared Jacq, KY n Ainiah by making them think that i jumped onto the river although i merely jumped onto the steps heading down the river which was out of their sight! Damn cool lah, dey actually kena scamed by me...muahaha. We had chocolate fondue n coffe/tea served to us specially by our dearly beloved classmate cey ya. Although he did something damn nice for us but i am not going to disclose it her so i will jus like to say: THANK YOU CE was really nice of him to do wad he did for us. Our delicious looking/tasting fondue
Anyway, we spent abt 2 hrs there studying/eating/drinking before we decided to make a move at arnd 5.15 cos it is the first day if the 7th lunar month n the girls were afraid of staying out late! Ainiah, KY n Cheryl took bus home while me n Jacq took the train!My study group!
I den went to meet rence rence n min min at bishan for movie! Was joined by shaun n min min's fren, amanda! Secret is really nice, but with Min Min n Rence Rence beside me n fooling arnd, i really had a super duper great time! After the movie, we all headed home! However i am proud to say that i help one of my fren to reduce the no of cigarretes he smokes by stealing one stick from him! Muahaha...i am jus so nice!
Kinda late liao n i have FAT test tomolo so will be going offline soon! I hope the exams will end sooner as i am really looking forward to the Langkawi trip with my classmates! TATA!
11:36 PM♥
Sunday, August 12, 2007
I miss the good ol days when Fuzzy Tiger Fat Bear existed!
Gonna start studying! Maybe i'll do my FAT quiz den study. Damned...the exams r so near, yet i am not at the least prepared! I can't even differentiate my FAT from Eng Mec qns! Anyway...i was talking to jacq tis morning n realised how much i miss the times i had in sec sch. Ever since i got to is a totally diff situation already. Although im not saying tat life in poly is not fun...but sometimes when u enjoyed something for 2 whole years...U will feel a bit lost having to put that away n adapting to a totally new n diff life. Really hope my New Town frens gather together soon!
1:52 PM♥
Since i am so bored...i have decided to jus post a random post of randomness! I would like to say dat i will be going to langkawi soon at the end of the month...thats y my FAT test paper starts at 10 am. Because of that i will finish my eltech paper at 4pm. However, before dat i will go watch Jay Chou's secret mon night at 7.30 with Terence and Min Min. I will then bring Jacq go out at night to makan during the langkawi trip! On the way to langkawi...i will go for my engineering mech paper on the following mon afternoon, so i will sit on the bus to langkawi with Ainiah so dat i can have more space to sit, n bring my laptop to school on tue. After that i will go to pengeran on a reccee trip so that i can have a tudy session with Kai Yi sometime this week!
1:10 AM♥
Saturday, August 11, 2007
The Incredible Hunks!
Got up early to go to Bedok reservoir for Relay Duathlon today! I was so afraid that i will be late cos the freking 66 took such a long time going from Jurong to Bedok. Anyway was on time n met Markus on the way. After registering, we pondered upon the distance we had to run (4km) and were starting to get cold feet! Lol - but we still gave it our best though. After Markus started running for his first 4 km, i went to change to my shoes n waited for him to come back. It was a long wait but i did not feel very anxious. The first person i saw running back was adam, my impression of him den was dat he was sprinting like crazy back to the finish line, overtaking anyone in sight! Soon after, Markus reached the finishing point n we set off for our 4km of kayaking. The row was quite good as we managed to row relatively straight, something i feared would be a problem since i did not have exp with Markus on an S2 b4. So on we went and finally we made it back. As soon as i got of the boat n carried it out of the water, i started to run to the starting point, but den i realized my feet was numb from the rowing so i started off quite slow. During the run, i managed to overtake some guys but arnd the end, 1 blardy guy in yellow from SP ran like F*** n overtook me. I did not give up thought. From arnd 200m left. I started to increase my speed n with abt 70m, i sprint all the way back. Although me n Markus did not win any prize or medals, we r still quite proud of ourselves as we had completed the entire race without giving up. Our position was 14 / 40, not bad since there were many other quite pro ppl in our category as well. Furthermore, we were the FIRST NACC jrs to finish the race. Anyway, this competition has made me realized that the type of competitors i will be facing in my future sprint comps r quite tough. Therefore i must start to buck up n put more heart n soul into my trainings!The Incredible Hunks
The canoeist from AE
The RD competitors from AE
The boat is not light! I am jus strong!
5:32 PM♥
Friday, August 10, 2007
18 ppl in class today!
Today is the day with the worst attendance ever. Out of our class of 38, only 18 came. Well it is kinda expected as there we only have an hr lecture for the entire day and today is tkinda the last day of school! Anyway, i decided to come school early as i woke up thinking that classes starts at 10 instead of 11. I sat arnd in class for awhile b4 deciding to go down as i wanted some fresh air. Met some ppl down there before i saw KFL n decided to come up to class. After class ended, me, Ephraim, Tuan Jiaw, Kai Yi, Jacq n Cheryl went to can 2 to had lunch. The canteen was quite empty, as though it was already the hols...After eating, Tuan Jiaw showed us some of his lame magic tricks. To the all so gullible Kai Yi though, she was simply amazed n flabbergasted!
Look at that amazed face of hers! After lunch, we went to play Basketball. Although i still sux as usual, but it was quite fun playing with them. Halfway thru i saw some of my canoeing seniors moving some stuff in preparation for RD so i went to help out. Jun Han is really damn god damned blardy strong lah. He jus carried this massve speaker on his shoulder and walked from the Sports Deck all the way to the carpark! So after helping them, i went back to join my classmates n soon we decided to leave. Kai Yi went home n Ephraim went to work while the rest of us took a bus down to Queensway as Tuan Jiaw n Gaying Chao wanted to buy shirt. So shopped arnd for awhile and then we went to Macs to eat n was joined by Ce Ya. We den went ova to Ikea to buy hot dog n shopped arnd b4 heading home. I took a shared a cab with Ying Chao n i reached home at the speed of sound! Exams r drawing very close n i am starting to get freaked out as i am still preety much unsure of my Eng Mec. Must really buck up! Im think im starting to get used to being my quiet self nowadays. Im not sure if im jus simply tired or jus feel like it...
WAD SHOULD I DO???? someone tell me... ...(call me gutless...but friendship is definately more important den anything else)
6:39 PM♥
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Happy Birthday SIngapore!
Got up today feeling excited as i'll be having an entire day out with my classmates! Went to Harbourfront to meet the rest at 10. I reached abt 9.45 n as expected, everyone else was i went in search for a bottle of Barcardi, first to cheers, den to cold storage den to vivomart. Did not get it though as all were so expensive. Went back to Harbourfront MRT to meet up with the rest (Cheryl, Jacq, Ephraim, Glen, Adam, Markus, Wei Zhi, Kai Yi, Ainiah, Melvin, Eric and Ying Chao). We went to vivomart to buy lots of water while i realised that Barcardi there was cheaper, so i bought a lime to share with everyone else! After going to eat, we den headed to the tram station to take the tram ova to Sentosa! On the Tram...Kai Yi again started to show her lack of childhood by being super duper excited on the tram...but very funny/entertaining though. We met Yue hao there n found Nelson oredi at sentosa with his Magnum frens! Played abit of volleyball before going down to swim...quite nice but the water very dirty. Had lots of fun there...soon, we went to bathe n den headed for Marina South immediately as everone was starving! Had steamboat but Ainiah didn't / couldn't eat so i accompanied her to buy dinner, but she bought ice cream only!
After steamboat, we waited awhile before the fireworks started...nice view but i think will be nicer fromthe stadium! During the fireworks, two of my frens encouraged me to say something to someone...but guess i did not have the Cojones to do it. Maybe i'm jus afraid that things will get awkward n i can't face myself if things dun turn out well for me?Anyway...after dat we headed our way back taking bus to Marina Bay. The bus trip was quite entertaining...this little girl sitting beside me kept peering at though playing peek-a-boo! Haha...den Ainiah fell asleep on the bus and was resting on Melvin's shoulder (scandal). So later at the MRT station the rest left ahead of us while me n Ying Chao waited for Ainiah n Yue Hao hu went to pee-pee. LoL. So we took the train n transfered at City Hall. Te train ride was quite fun. Although it was damn packed...but the four of us had a great time jus fooling arnd.

Today was a great day...Sentosa was fun...although only 14 of us but we indeed had a good time! I really hope the rest of thee class can join us in more of our activities.
11:15 PM♥
Ampr was pretty much a breeze!
I was nearly late for school today. If Ce Ya hadn't called me, i might have missed my Ampr test. LoL...can't believe after such a long time i again forgot to set my alarm! Anyway, i managed to pass my Ampr again, with thanks to Tuan Jiaw, Adam n that "FAT" slide in my lappie! Feeling quite guilty though as many ppl really put in alot of effort into it. Oh yea, tis morning when Kai Yi entered class, her face was literally like ready to kill someone lah. It seems that the bus driver decided not to stop outside NP since no one pressed the bell so she had to walk all the way from SIM. Quite sad lah since she like quite unlucky with buses nowadays.After class i went to can 1 to eat with Cheryl, Jacq, KY, Ainiah, TJ, YC, GY, ZA, CY and Ephraim! Long time nvr eat there le. After lunch, we decided to watch movie so we went to cine. TJ, GY, ZA and YC stayed back for awhile to play soccer before meeting up with us. This is the third time in a row that bus no. 7 was directly behind us as soon as we got off the bus. (I think i am the good luck charm cosing tis to happen) During the bus trip we realized that Ainiah was a mirror image of Eric, especially when she says "guan yin mah poh pi"Cheryl taking a pic of me taking a pic of her taking a pic of me taking a pic of her taking a pic of me... ...
So we reached cine n decided to watch "Rush Hour 3". Since the movie starts at 3.30, we decided to go to spinelli to have a drink/wait for the rest/slack arnd! Arnd 3.15, we went ova to cine to meet the rest, n madde our way to the theatre. Rush Hour was ok i guess. Not as good as the first one but still not bad a movie to catch! Jus to let everyone know, i do not support smoking!

After the movie we went to Heeren to eat wonton noodles. On the way there, we saw Guan Yu's twin brother. He looks so similar to Guan Yu n i thik it is quite cool to have a twin. After eating we made our way home via mrt. Poor Cheryl was left all alone cos Jacq kinda PSed her to take the NEL with Ephraim. So i went to Kallang to meet Steph, Nick, Terence n Nic for steamboat. It was quite ex (15 bucks), but at least we had unlimited flow of any can drinks in the stall. N i think we kinda exploited that fact. Lol 18 cans in total!
After eating, went to SIMI's hse to borrow her volleyball before going home. After i reached home, i went to Ce Ya's hse to borrow his pump as the volleybal was quite deflated. That lousy fella actually had another cigarette again...dunno when is it that he will really stop.
Anyway, from today onwards whenever i take bus home with CY, i'll try to take 99 as much as possible cos i realised that for the 52 bus stop to his hse is actually quite far away. Thanks Ce Ya for accompanying me home anyway!
12:39 AM♥
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
First time Ponning!
Today started off quite bad...i got on the 99 and headed to school. However at clementi, i waited for abt 1/2 n hr before 154 came. During this period, a total of 6 99 went pass. It was so irritating. Having to wait 1/2 n hr for 1 of 2 buses to come! Luckily i decided to come school early today or i would be freaking late!Reached EL Tech with some time to spare. Today's Eltech was ok, except that the teacher oied me a few times cos i was talking to loudly or using my lappie! Went to can 2 to eat lunch. Ova there, the girls asked me if wanted to pon lesson to go Bugis...after contemplating for awhile, i decided to go with it! LoL. So we made our way towards the school. Jus den, at the stairs outside atrium, Guan Yu told us he will not pon Koh Fook Leong lesson. This set off the guilt nerve in Jacq so in the end, we decided to go for El Tech but skip Eng Mec. LoL So we went back to class n had el tech where we did a revision paper of 10 qns. I realised that my el tech was a little rusty but jus do a couple more papers n i might be able to do as well as during the common testAfter class ended, we met up with J2 ppl n headed to Bugis. Ova there, Markus bought a pair of shades. We went the food court to eat n Adam n Markus left us to go back school for some calo(canoe polo) meeting. We decided to go to Yoshinoya to eat n i went to buy Korochan. YUMMY! Aftrer awhile Ainiah left . We stayed for awhile jus talikng to one another. After dat we followed Jacq to buy bubble tea b4 going on our seperate ways. Me n Ce Ya took 197 back to Jurong. I played o2 mania for awhile b4 letting Ce Ya play mahjung while i dozed off. Once we reached Jurong i followed him to buy hair dye before heading home.Looking forward to many things tis week! Steamboat tomolo with the FOC ppl. Outing with my AE classmates and lastly the Relay Duatholon on Sat. I seriosly doubt if i can finish revising for the exams with everything so packed. Good luck to myselJIA YOUX!(oh yea...tis will be the FBT singlet me n Markus will be wearing for the RD)
8:46 PM♥
Monday, August 6, 2007
My classmates rox!
To start was really one of the most splendid days i had with my classmates from AE! It was a long day n it started off with ce skating in the morning. I was meeting the guys at 12 at JE mrt, however i was early so decided to go to NTUC to buy a bottle of barcardi! Met Glen n Ephraim outside cheers so dey waited for me! After dat we made our way to the station. Jus den...tis guy walked in front of us, n jus as he passed by Glen...his hand reached out and touched Glen, LITERALLY! haha - so cool lah, Ephraim even said glen was not only an auntie killer...but a guy killer as well. Ok den we met the rest (Cheryl, Ying Chao, Ainiah, Ce Ya) and went to KFC to makan. At KFC yue hao , nelson n Kai yi den arrived. At KFC, i saw tis huge slab of skin dat glen put aside, so i decided to take it...but seeing dat nelson did not have a proper luncj, i decided to giv it to him. When he took it...the first thing he asked was wad is it! Haha...after explaining to him dat it was the chicken skin...he den told cheryl dat her cheese looks like hash brown, although he was trying to say whipped potato!=_= haha...i have nvr experienced such a blur nelson b4, den he told me dat the chicken wing very crispy, n he meant the chicken skin! LoL...our final conclusion was that he had nvr eaten KFC b4!
Ice skating came after dat...nuthin exciting happened...only the fact that Cheryl fell down like 20 times on the ice (HAHAHAHA)I spent most of my time helping Cheryl n supporting her. At least she can manage to skate without support now...thanks to me, Nelson n Glen. was quite fun skating together so we decided to come again some time soon after the exams!

After, cheryl, ainiah, kai yi n nelson split up n went to school while yue hao, ce ya glen, ephraim, ying chao n yue hao went to cine to buy movie tix for us! Took 52 and everyone execpt me was falling asleep on the bus.
Reached school n went for langkawi briefing...was den joined by jacq (nelson left us for cca) n the few of us made our way to cine to watch flashpoint.

I swear that if u care very much for ur face...u shoukd nvr watch a movie with Kai Yi. During the movie...she took popcorn to throw at ppl. I had to take back my popcorn from her as she could not stop. Den at one point when the good guy beat the bad guy...she nearly jumped out of her seat n raised her hands in joy. During the very intense fight scene of the show, she was seating at the edge of her seat...ready to fall off. I even had to pull her back as she was blocking my view! Haha. N the comments she makes in the movie is wierd...she said that the guys mouth (which was filled with blood) had bubbles! N she jus had to say it out loud when the whole theatre was pai seh lah! LOL...its ok though as i had fun during the movie...
Later we went to the kopitiam at scape or something to eat...cheryl left to meet her mom so the 9 of us were left.
After eating...glen n ephraim left us as they took bus home...while the rest of us took mrt. Jacq was like being totally inconsiderate her lah! Since she was the only person taking the north west line...she psychoed the rest of us to take it with her...n she left like 6 stops later. Thanks to Kai Yi...i have made new understandings that the warning tone that sounds when the doors r closing is made up of 10 beeps! (like anyone cares) In my opinion...kai yi really lacks a childhood! Haha. Ok so after dat i made my way home.
This is the second time i am going out with my classmates n it is really a fun n wonderful experience. I hope that we can do more of tis more often but u guys must rmb to invite me as without ALEX...nuthin is fun!
11:22 PM♥
Sunday, August 5, 2007
First nite up so late
N IT FEELS GOOD! 5.15 oredi...guess i really can't bear to part with my lappie. LoL.Die arh, at tis rate i will not be able to study or complete my eng mec/el tech online sux
Jus finished a game of dota with rence rence...N im like totally owning HELLO. Haha...going to sleep liao-tml still have to go for my cousin's birthday...dunno if i shld bring my lappie or not...
Back home after a long n especially boring day! Anyway...i was forced by my mom n dad to get up at 2 today. Went ova to Jurong West market to have lunch b4 heading to my cousin's hse. Quite bored so took out my lappie n started reading Harry Potter...managed to finish Order of The Pheonix n it was time for dinner. After that we cut cake for my cousin...the chocolate mousse cake was FANTASTICALLY FABULOUS! Reached home n watch ugly betty b4 i went to bathe n took out my lappie again...I think i am REALLY addicted to my lappie!

Me and all my cousins!
5:13 AM♥
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Back from canoeing, someone took my paddle, so i had to use the flite...which totally sux! time when i get my not gonna let go of it. After trainng i realised that jacq n cheryl have been trying to call me. Apparently dey wanna watch alone but no one wanna go with them so dey had to watch alone alone. LOL. Too bad dey bought the tix oredi or else i would have gone with them...Anyways, my lappie is ready n i have collected it! HURRAYS! i swear i will not carry it around while it is still on! (sorry cheryl n jacq for not listening to u-hu would have tot u gals would be so accurate!- well it doesnt matter as HP has replaced my mainboard for me, which is a good thing rite? I'll stop for now...hafta go figure out how the hell do i change the bloody blogskin. DAMMIT....
5:18 PM♥
Friday, August 3, 2007
The First Of Many To Come
Well...after having quite a number of interesting exp with blogs, decided to create one too (jus like Gay Yng Chao). Quite sad though, i cant do much cos i dun have my laptop with me...jus another 4 more days n my trusty lappie will be back within my grasp (hopefully). Ok...jus to say some stuffies abt today-had a good time playin BB with the class. Though im still like shit, but had a great time n hoping to do it again...
5:34 PM♥